Bill Raisch, Executive Director

William G. (Bill) Raisch

Bill Raisch is the founding Director of the International Center for Enterprise Preparedness (InterCEP) at New York University which was established in 2004 as the world’s first research and development center dedicated to private sector resilience.

The Center actively engages with the private sector and other key stakeholders to constructively address shared risks.

The Center and Bill’s work focuses on addressing both existing and emerging forces and factors that may disrupt the operations of major organizations, governments and potentially wider society. 

These include natural and technological hazards as well as geopolitical, societal, economic, and environmental disruptors.

The Center hosts the Global Resilience Network which is a unique consortium of leading corporations that collaborate on addressing common threats in conjunction with cross-national agencies (e.g., UN, INTERPOL, WHO, etc.), national governments, NGOs and other stakeholders. The Center works with world experts and key stakeholders to develop and implement strategies to both mitigate potential downside threats as well as capitalize on prospective upside opportunities that these disruptors may present.

The Center also hosts the Metropolitan Resilience Network, a global prototype for public-private collaboration, focused on advancing the resilience of metropolitan New York region through active communication and collaboration.  

Bill has over 30 years of experience in the private sector spanning roles in both privately held and publicly traded corporations.   His background includes leading strategic planning for Smith Barney International, publishing, agriculture and project consulting in a diversity of industries and managing several start-up efforts addressing new business innovations and technologies. 

Bill served as private sector preparedness advisor to the U.S. Federal 9-11 Commission and assisted in developing the Commission’s recommendations on private sector emergency preparedness.

Bill recently served as a Fellow at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce National Chamber Foundation focusing on identifying emerging issues that will impact the business community.  He also recently completed service on the Board of Directors of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as well as on the Technical Committee on the Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management & Business Continuity (NFPA 1600). 

Bill also serves as the emergency manager for his home town, the Village of Asharoken, New York.  He received his B.A. (Government & Economics) and M.B.A. from Cornell University.