Urgent Threats Forum Briefing 2015

August 10, 2015

On June 17-18, 2015, leaders from business, government and diverse organizations gathered at the Urgent Threats Forum at New York University to discuss the most pressing imminent threats to operations and assess how they will impact our businesses, our cities and our citizens. You can read a summary of the forum here: Download File

The Global Risk Digest 2015

July 7, 2015

Distilling insights from some of the world's finest research and think tanks: the unaffiliated World Economic Forum, OECD, the US National Intelligence Council, and the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Global Risk Digest provides concise abstracts / excerpts on current and emerging disruptions and likely impacts with "drill-down" access to deeper analysis with links to original works. You can read the Global Risk Digest here: Download File

Tri-State Hazard Analysis: New York State, New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut

July 7, 2015

A summary of man-made and environmental hazards that could impact the New York metropolitan area, the Tri-State Hazard Analysis distills information from the local offices of emergency management (OEM) in New York City, Connecticut, and New Jersey.  You can read the Tri-State Hazard Analysis here: Download File

Global Risk Network Singapore Forum 2012 Summary

December 20, 2012 4:43 PM

Collaborating on Operational Threats in Asia: Supply Chain, Cyber, Natural Hazards, Contagion

Singapore, March 27-29, 2012

Members of the Asian Crisis and Security Group (ACSG) presented best practices from their experience with the triple crisis of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accident of March 2011. 

Political Instability: The Arab Spring and the draw-down of U.S. presence in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to be sources of risk, as stressed by GRN participants. In addition to security risks, participants said the reliability of local governments is a serious source of uncertainty for routine and crisis management planning.

Technological Resources: Participants noted that a range of new technologies are becoming available to assist with situational awareness, from social media to satellite imaging. Surveillance tools once available only to governments are now becoming available to the private sector.

Public Heath: The risk of public health emergencies was discussed along three lines: natural hazards, technological hazards, and emerging and re-emerging infectious disease. 

Cyber Security: Participants asserted that cyber risk may soon outstrip the risk of traditional terrorism. In the words of one participant, today, a compromised server can betray as much information in five seconds as a compromised person could give up in years. Two key areas were identified in addressing cyber risk: personnel and infrastructure.

Summary of Proceedings for the Global Risk Network Summit, June 2011, New York City

July 29, 2011

This document presents a summary of the proceedings of the Global Risk Network Summit, held June 13 – 15, 2011 in New York City. Summit participants included seventy public and private sector leaders representing more than 50 different organizations from nine nations. Download File

Summary of Proceedings of the International Public-Private Preparedness Summit, June 2010

July 15, 2010

The International Public-Private Preparedness Summit was held June 14-17, 2010 at New York University in New York City. This document summarizes the proceedings, highlighting important themes and developments. Summit participants included sixty-six public and private sector leaders representing fifty-five different organizations from the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Japan. Download File

The Business Case for Preparedness: An Annotated Bibliography

August 20, 2007 3:38 PM

This annotated bibliography provides organizational decision makers with a series of arguments to support the business case for preparedness. Download File

Proceedings of the National Roundtable on Insurance and Corporate


October 19, 2006

This document presents a summary of the proceedings of the National Roundtable on Insurance and Corporate Preparedness organized by the International Center for Enterprise Preparedness (InterCEP) at New York University. You can read a summary of the roundtable here: Download File

Low-Cost Preparedness Efforts Significantly Mitigate Loss

October 15, 2006 8:24 PM

InterCEP is currently investigating the value of preparedness for private-sector organizations. One significant research focus area is the connection between preparedness and insurance benefits (including capacity, policy terms, pricing, etc.). The data presented here has been provided to InterCEP by FM Global, a leading commercial and industrial property insurance company. This mini-case story indicates that relatively inexpensive investments in preparedness can pay huge dividends by mitigating the risk of property loss due to extreme events such as hurricanes. Download File